Saturday, March 7, 2020

Warren Drops Out!

Warren Drops Out!

Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the presidential campaign after a poor showing on Super Tuesday, consistent with the previous three states that the candidates contested. I think she was qualified to be the president. She was certainly smart, Harvard law professor and all. She had good experiences as a Senator, was a good debater, and all that aside, she had a poor showing.
I’m told that she lost because she was a woman. I heard that at home, I heard it on late-night pundit shows, and I read it in the opinion section of the newspaper. Men, you see, simply won’t vote for a woman for president, I’m told. Hillary Clinton, however, won about three million more individual votes than Trump in the last election. Don’t tell The Donald! Ergo, men will vote for a qualified woman. Don’t tell the pundits

I considered writing a commentary about why women aren’t elected. It is a great topic for a blog. It is also an express ticket to perdition!

It’s safer to write about opening day for the local Little League baseball league. The great-grandson starts Tee Ball this year, dressed in a Red Sox uniform. How bad can that be? The Coronavirus reached pandemic proportions this week. The President has a new Chief of Staff. The Eagles had a massive concert in Houston last night. Austin’s SXSW festival was called off. Schools are closing down for a few weeks and crowds are discouraged. A friend recommends that we all buy one of those cones you put around a dog’s neck to keep you from touching your face. I wonder if sales of Corona beer are down too.

Anyone of those topics is safer to write about than why men do not vote for women or why Warren dropped out.

Don’t forget to wash your hands!!!