Monday, December 14, 2020

Wei Chi



Our great experiment in self-government may have saved itself on December 11, 2020, but there are days to go before certainty comes to bear. Too many today, it seems, don’t pay much attention to the daily news because it’s all about politics and politicians who fight among themselves and don’t do anything for the benefit of the country and its people. They have a point, but this week they missed the sausage-making at its worst and at its best. Most people agree that we are a nation in crisis, even if our reasons differ dramatically. The Chinese use two characters for a crisis: Danger and Opportunity, Wei-Chi.

Our democracy was in danger this month, our Constitution ignored by too many who should have known better, and our most prized institution frayed. Some in Pennsylvania tried to have the presidential election results overturned and allow the Legislature to appoint the Electors. The Supreme Court said no.[i] The Attorney General of Texas, joined by several other States Attorney’s General, with an amicus signed by over 100 members of Congress, tried to overthrow the election results of several states. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case because Texas had no standing to bring it in the first place. That decision was interesting because two Justices believed that the case should be heard, but at the same time they said they would not give relief, so it was also a unanimous ruling.[ii] The Electoral College votes today. In early January a joint session of Congress will count the votes and announce who will be our next President and Vice-President. Several members of the House indicated that they plan to challenge the votes of several states. The whip count likely doesn’t support such action, but it could cause a delay in the process.


Our democracy is still in danger and our electoral process still on life support because too many people believe that the November election was fraught with fraud. Nearly 70% of Republicans continue to believe that the vote count was irregular, the vote-counting machines were set to turn Trump votes into Biden votes, or that some dead dictator from Venezuela had led a decade’s long conspiracy to bring down the election process. Some meet in coffee shops to discuss how their candidate’s election was stolen while others take to the streets around the country to protest, flags waving and fists raised. The state of Michigan closed all legislative offices today because of the credible threats of violence toward Presidential Electors. All the while, every State certified that there was no fraud; in many states, votes were counted three times, and local, state, and federal courts ruled in nearly sixty cases that the Trump campaign staff presented no evidence to substantiate claims of wrongdoing.


Twenty years ago Al Gore, who won a plurality of votes nationwide, lost the presidency when the Supreme Court ordered Florida to stop counting votes, resulting in Bush receiving enough electoral votes to claim victory. Vice-President Gore went on national television: “Let there be no doubt: While I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome…And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. I also accept my responsibility …to honor the new president-elect and … help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our Constitution affirms and defends.” That is what a nation expects from its leaders. That is what keeps the nation’s ideals out of danger.


The ultra-ultra right-wing reactionary news station Newsmax was beside itself when the Court ruled against Texas, et al. On December 11, 2020, newsreader Emerald Robinson complained, “The president put three Supreme Court justices on the bench… yet none of those … were with the team.” It is dangerous for the country when the Executive branch expects court nominees to be on its team, when in fact the justices take an oath to support and defend the Constitution. But then again, so did the President, the 100 plus members of Congress who signed an amicus brief for the case, and the dozen or more State Attorneys General that joined the Texas case. They put our Democracy at risk. They may have flirted with sedition. The Chair of the GOP in Texas even suggested seceding from the US because SCOTUS would not hear a case that had no standing in law. Power, Party, and Trump, for many people, are more important than the republic and its institutions. The Wei is clear!


Danger breeds opportunity to right wrongs. If one were to venture far out on a limb, or even into a sidebar, they might suggest that schools review how they teach Civics, how they teach about the Constitution, how they deal with our history, even the not-so-good parts of it. This isn’t wanting to go back to the good old days, but a search for how we instill a love of the democratic process at an early age, how we bring people to support a political system that requires give and take in discussion and compromise in legislating. It is a quest for an appreciation for our institutions and their fragility.


There is an opportunity for all of us to defuse the current crisis by lowering the volume of our side of discussions. There simply is no significant evidence of a stolen election. So let’s stop talking as if there was. Let’s all find a news channel that is more middle-of-the-road than we normally watch. There is an opportunity for all of us to ignore the bad actors on the far left and the far right. There is an opportunity to shut down (at least mentally) White extremists, people like Proud Boys and QAnon. We can all do something, but the one who could make the most of the opportunity is the President.


President Trump can defuse the crisis by taking the opportunity to make a peaceful transition, halting the childish machinations to which we are exposed. Many people, 70 million or more, don’t like the fact that Trump lost the election today when the Electoral College gave Biden more than the required 270 votes to become the next president. The nation, its institutions, its democracy, and its image to the world are much more important than one person. President Trump has an opportunity to make things right. If he continues his sociopathic behavior he will damage the nation, his legacy and we will no longer be the shining city on the hill.  


It would be nice if we took this opportunity, the interregnum, to smooth a transition to a new four years, a time for unification, for less division, for peaceful activities that will make the world a better place. We have the opportunity to seek our better angels.


Wei or Chi, which will it be?


[i] Supreme Court of the United States – Tuesday, December 8, 2020 – Order in Pending Case – Kelly, Mike, ET AL. V. Pennsylvania, ET AL – The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied.

[ii] Supreme Court of the United States – Friday, December 11, 2020 – Order in Pending case – Texas V. Pennsylvania, ET AL – The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot. Statement of Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas joins: In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction. See Arizona v. California, 589 U.S. _ (Feb.23, 2020) (Thomas, ]., dissenting). I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue.